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Monday, September 2, 2013

Cookouts and scrappin'?

My mom had a cookout Saturday for the college kids from her church,  and My Pinterest - click here of course,  I promised to help.   So I'm setting up a condiment table and it just doesn't look good.   What to do?   Decorate with scrapbook paper!   I even added a little washi tape to identify the flavored pickles.   What can I say?   It's in my blood.   *grin


  1. Can I get a transfusion? I need some of that creative blood!

    1. I have a friend who's a nurse. I'll see what I can do.

  2. It is a very beautiful condiment table ... Love the mustard bottles

  3. I can't take credit for the mustard bottles. They stand out all on their own. :-)


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