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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Countdown to CHA, Day 7...Randomness

(To follow the entire saga, view my blog archives...this is my Quest to get into the Craft and Hobby association trade show in Atlanta......and I'm going!)

I'm trying to stay ahead of the game with knowledge.  Today, I took a look at the vendor list and decided to pick a random company that I wasn't familiar with.  So, I reverted to a child-like state and played a little game we all know and love; eenie meenie miney moe.  Moe landed smack dab on Creativebug.  I've never heard of this company and the title alone gave me no clue as to what it represented other than creativeness of some form.

I found the website and it was evident that I was way off base with my imaginings.  Actually, this would be the hot spot for learning.  They offer video workshops for a small fee, and two different plan options.  Whether you want to learn knitting, sewing, painting, etc.  Once you purchase a class, it's yours forever.  It stays in your file to view again and again, should you need to go back and review a tip or technique.  Pretty cool, huh?  I took a look at the staff and their job descriptions also. They look pretty smart to me, with the exception of the Power Ranger....(just kidding).

 A few topics caught my eye; stamping and mixed media, both offering interesting tutorials such as how to carve rubber stamps or paint a silhouette.  I took a peek at Glue 101 under the mixed media section.  It was an almost 20 minute chapter that you can view for free.  I've got to say, it was very well done and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If you're not a crafter, a.k.a my sister, and you're reading this, then you can stop rolling your eyes.  The rest of you know exactly what I mean.  Kind of glad I went all random today. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. Glad you found it and shared. I think it would be really good for people who live in the country and can't get to a city to take classes.


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