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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Are you a "Craft" Snob? An observation from one who's been snobbed.

 Snobbery.  It's not a pretty thing.  Most of us can probably say we've endured it in some shape or form, from an early age.  From being pushed around on the playground because your clothes weren't cool or you wore glasses, or had braces, to the teen years when the cheerleaders ruled, and maybe you just couldn't find your niche.

As adults, we find snobbery on every corner.  I'm a people watcher and I see snobbery everywhere; the coffee shop, the fancy restaurant, the grocery store, even at church; snobbery abounds.

Why then, should I be surprised to find snobbery in the craft industry?  Yes, I said it.  Believe it or not, there are craft snobs on every bloggy corner.  And, it's not limited to the highly educated, graphic designer or self-made craft blogger extraordinaire, oh no.

There is snobbery and prejudice amongst the various type of crafters.  I know, who would have thunk it?  One would think that as a lover of arts, we would all be united as one, in our love of the craft, however, I'm finding more and more that, that is not the case.

There are varying degrees and or levels of snobbery.  The jewelry maker may look down on the sewer because, do you know how many hours were spent hammering jewelry out of metal plates and chisels?  The sewer looks down on the papercrafter because, do you know how many hours were spent stitching that handmade organza bodice from straw?  The papercrafter looks down at .....well the papercrafter doesn't really have anyone to look down on because from my observation, the papercrafter is at the bottom of a very deep barrel, stacked full of, well......paper.

You heard it folks.  Papercrafters are often reviled as basic, unskilled men and women who shouldn't waste their time slapping paper and glue together, and taking up precious space expending said creations on the blogosphere.  Not so much from crafters within their field (although papercrafter snobbery does exist) but from crafters or artists working in other fields of art.  As a member of many different blogging groups ranging from expert to novice crafters and artists, I see on a daily basis and am amazed at the snobbery.

Give or Get Creativebug this Mothers Day

It's even been said that you shouldn't waste your time as a craft blogger, crafting as a "hobby", if you can't invest yourself full time into this industry.  Really?   Hold on folks, because I'm getting ready to really get riled up.  We all are on a journey in this life.  This journey takes every one of us in different directions.  Sometimes, life choices take us on a path that wasn't our plan.  I've made choices in life that require that I work a full time job, to pay the bills and have insurance coverage.   Some day, maybe some big business craft company will love what I do, and give me a call, offer me a huge salary to do what I love and pay to have me moved wherever they need me to be.  (Hey, a girl can dream....)  In the meantime, I don't need the snobbery from those craft bloggers who are making six or seven figure salaries because they've figured it all out and the rest of us should just go crawl under a folded craft table, which by the way, would be impossible to do (because it's folded.....).

Dare I propose a solution?  How about, we all just get along?  How about you remember that you started somewhere and maybe you were lucky enough to not have to claw, hand, tooth and nail, to get somewhere in this crafty world?  Thank God, there are those who are willing to help others along...to teach, to share, to remind us that we all deserve a place in the world which we love.

As for me, I will steer clear of the craft snobs in this world, and hope and pray that I never become one.  

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  1. I think it all comes back to what kind of person do I want to be. I can't control what others do (no matter how much I nag them.)Other people can be snobs if they want to, I can only try to make sure that I'm not acting that way. I also try to remember what our mother's tried to tell us. "... If you can't say anything nice... don't say anything at all." I also try to see treasure the people who love me for who I am, because that is who really matters in life.

    1. So very true MariLynn. That's what my mom says too!

  2. Replies
    1. Thnk you Tara. A little tongue in cheek, but true nonetheless. ;)

  3. I think you are just awesome to write this. The longer I have been creating amongst my stacks of paper the less I find myself caring about what the "snobby" ones think. Of course it hurts when people are not so nice but the best I can do is remember how that feels and never cause anyone else to feel badly. Keep on truckin lady and when your name is in lights remember us little people!

    1. Donna, if my name is ever in lights it'll probably be because I'm the main attraction for the freak show at the carnival. Thanks for your kind words and yes, I'll keep on truckin'!

  4. You will find snobby people in all walks of life i say do what makes you happy as no one else is living your life. Great post Terri :) ive had people look down at me when i say i make cards ...and crochet but if i say i paint that's different strange what people judge us on eh.
    Kate xx

  5. "That's not art - it's paper-craft." Yes, someone explicitly said that to me. Well, I'm here to tell you, girlio, you are a paper artist, and I love your work. You keep doing what you do because WE love it. Great supportive words for all of us paper-artists.

    1. You and I both know the many hours and days even, spent coming up with a design and implimenting that design, not to mention some of the advanced techniques that we've taken the time to learn, the classes, the study....don't underestimate the art of crafting paper!

  6. Sometimes people just need extra prayer. ;) Just keep doing what you do, paper craft artists! If the Subway dude can be called a Sandwich Artist, then we can be called Paper Craft Artists, right? {eye roll}

    1. You all don't worry about me, I'm fine! It's great to have this open discussion. Gloria, I know, you "get" me. ;)

  7. Mean people stink. They are snobby because they are critical of themselves and want to pass it off on others. That's what I think anyway. I just do my thing. For Pete's sake, I draw stick people. I think they are awesome and I am awesome and you are awesome and snobs are not awesome.

    1. Laura Kelly, you rock! I love your sense of humor! I think you're awesome, right back atcha.

  8. Your article was good at expressing your feelings and probably feelings of many at some point in time of there life.. Bulling in school, clicks, etc.. " Where was my confidence then?" Age teaches not to care what others think and that we don't need to fit in everywhere because we have our special place with special people, people who think alike who's hearts are alike who appreciate all because life is short to short to worry about small minded people.. So keep spreading your creative wings and your beautiful mind and create like your famous because you are to those that matter and those who don't get it shouldn't matter..love like it's nobody's business😃

    1. Wisdom comes with age, no doubt. I'm a big believer in keeping your perspective in check. Don't just grow in the artistic areas that we're all interested in here....grow as a compassionate, loving human being as well.

  9. So ummmm, the "it's folded" comment. I literally laughed out loud! Cheers to you, my friend!


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