Thursday, January 21, 2021

Guest Artist for Ranger Ink

Hello lovelies.  Today is my first project as a Guest Artist for Ranger Ink. I hope you'll stop by their website and check it out! 

I've created a Stenciled Mega Candle Card with a step by step tutorial featuring lots of Wendy Vecchi products. So easy, and great for both kids and adults! 


from: Ranger Ink Industries

Thanks for visiting today! 


#wavingmywand #rangerink #wendyvecchi #birthdaybash #blendabledyeink #papercrafts #DIY #cards #birthdaycard #cardmaking  #distressink #timholtz #stenciledmegacandlecard #stencils #stenciling #handmade #handmadecards #diycards #stamps 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Giveaway From The Seasonal Cardmaker!

Hello lovelies, it's a new year, it's also my birthday today, and it's time for a giveaway! I'm so happy to have reached the 500 member milestone at The Seasonal Cardmaker Facebook Group. I'm also thrilled that my sweet friend Denise at Simply Charming Everyday LLC wanted to help sponsor this giveaway. So, what's up for grabs? Scroll down.

First, we have a couple of selected season items from Simply Charming Bags LLC; The Valentine Bunkie Tote and the Gingerbread Bunkie Bag w/spatula.

You'll be the envy of all friends (and strangers), carrying the Valentine Bunkie Tote around town! It's roomy and cute as can be!


The Gingerbread Bunkie Bag is perfect for tossing in craft supplies for on the go crafting, storage for markers, and more.  I love my bunkie bags and you will too! As an added bonus, Denise is tossing in this adorable gingerbread spatula as well. Sweet!

Lastly, the winner of all these goodies will also receive a $20 gift certificate from me, to Perhaps, you'll want to snag the new Simple Stories Sweet Talk Collection, just in time for Valentine crafting and cardmaking?! 

This giveaway begins at 12 am central time on January 5, 2021 and ends at 12 am central time on January 10th, 2021.  Winners will be announced within 72 hours on social media and in The Seasonal Cardmaker Facebook group.  Winner has 72 hours to respond once announced.  Enter via the Rafflecopter platform below, with multiple entry options available. Good luck!

#wavingmywand #theseasonalcardmaker #giveaway #craftgiveaway #simplycharmingeveryday #scrapbookcom #scrapbooking #bunkietote #bunkiebag #papercrafts #DIY #storage #valentine #christmas #gingerbread #holiday #seasonal