It's the start of a new year and, with it, comes a time for reflection; reflection on the past year and hope for what the new year might bring. Do you make resolutions? I don't. What I do though, is set goals. I've always been goal oriented and I can honestly say that every time I've set a goal, I have achieved it. The problem I have with resolutions, is that they are based, in my opinion, on setting one's self up for failure. Not only myself, but in those around me, I've witnessed time and again, the inability to turn a resolution into an accomplishment; whether it be to lose weight, advance in your professional life, save money.....and so forth.
A goal, however, is a whole other animal. According to my research, there are varying opinions on the differences between a resolution and a goal. My experience leads me to believe that setting goals - actual, achievable goals, is the key to making real, true change in one's life.

Last year was an amazing year for me. I realized a goal which has impacted me in ways that I never expected. I never doubted that it would happen, and I shouldn't have been surprised when it did.
Let me briefly share the changes that took place in just one year:
1. Six months after I started my own personal craft blog, I was asked to join two friends in forming a new, fun crafty site. Although, it's not for profit, it is for fun! Mountain Plains Crafters. Look it up.
2. Two months later: I find out that the Craft and Hobby Association is having a big trade show in Atlanta, GA, just 2 short hours from where I live. I'm not a member. I'm not a big craft company. I have no business even thinking about going. But, I did. I thought, and thought and thought some more. Then, I decided to go on a campaign of sorts; a quest. I called it, "The Quest for CHA". (Look in my archives from June 2014) I blogged about this quest for almost 2 months, campaigning to get in, in any way, shape and/or form. I offered to set up tables, lay power cords...whatever it took to earn my keep.
I guess the powers-that-be, liked my quest. I got the email, and then, the all-important phone call inviting me to attend. But, not only was I invited to attend, I was asked to be the Guest Blogger and the Show Photographer. A far cry from expecting to sweep floors. It was a wonderful adventure and a life lesson in many ways.
3. In turn, the experience has led to numerous opened doors and other opportunities. I've made connections, networked and formed relationships that will stay with me for as long as I choose to stay connected to the world in which I now find myself. My year ended with more freelance blogging for several different companies. Intentional goals obtained, specifically, for the learning experience and, to help me expand and grow in the crafty realm.
So what about 2015? A lot of bloggers are sharing their "word" for the new year. I would have to say that my word is "possibilities"; possibilities for what lies ahead - the new roads I might travel, whether it be the world wide web or Interstate 20.
And yes, I have already set some goals for this year, not resolutions.
I plan to achieve, not fail.
Goal #1 - Get on the design team of a major company. I have much to learn. Surround yourself with the best, and achieve maximum results. I believe that.
Goal #2 - Turn a profit on my blog. It's been very slow going. I've recently joined some affiliate programs and am working towards that goal. Time is a factor and I hope to spend more time learning the in's and out's. I'm learning from those who have the answers. Joining experienced blogger groups has been invaluable in learning and taking the steps to move forward.
Goal #3 - This goal is 2-fold. I want to go back to a CHA trade show, next time as a member. They now have a blogger membership. Yes! Now, I just need to have a profitable blog to justify the yearly membership fee. I'm working on that too.
I have a motto and my family is well familiar with this motto:
"If you don't ask, you don't get." If you don't try, you'll never know. So try. And don't be surprised when the answer is yes.
#CHA #CHASHOW #cre8time
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You are really something! I've no doubt you will achieve each and every goal you've set for yourself!