A whole bunch of my friends and myself, have been patiently waiting on the new Coffee Art Play to be available online and it's here! Today! I had to run and post this for all of you, before it sells out because trust me, this will go out of stock quick. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it is out of stock by tomorrow! It's that popular.
Here's a quick affiliate link to get you where you need to go. As a brand ambassador for Adornit and affiliate for scrapbookcom, I appreciate your support of the companies and brands that I love and support, myself.
Here's a recent card I made with this image:
This art play, designed by Lindsay Ostrom, comes with 12 images on watercolor paper that accepts most mediums; watercolors, paint, colored pencils, etc. Priced at under $2.00 for an entire 12" x 12" sheet, this is a super fun and affordable way to make cards or use in your Project Life, scrapbooking and journals.
Have fun shopping! Terri
#adornit #adornitambassadors #artplay #paintables #coffee #coffeelovers #coffeetime #coffeetalk #coloring #starbucks #realgoodcoffee #scrapbookcom #carmaking #card #papercrafters #tombow #tombowusa #diy #wavingmywand #terriburson #cre8time #projectlife #documentedlife
OMG Terri, this is just gorgeous! Love how the logo mimics Starbucks!