Today, I'm creating my third project for The Hop to Stop Domestic Violence, hosted by Becca Cruger from Damsel of Distressed Cards. Purple is the color designated for domestic violence. Please, feel free to join in by linking up your newly created "purple" card, as well. Hurry, though, the challenge ends Sunday, Oct 30th at noon CST.
I wanted to make one more Halloween card, and decided to watercolor this Adornit image with my Tombow dual brush markers.
This Adornit Art Play Paintable image is from the "If the Shoe Fits" collection, designed by Michele Hamilton. I'm also using new Adornit scrapbook papers designed by Laura Kelly. They will be available soon online but are already making their way to local scrapbook stores now.

I thought the Batty image would be fun to color for my purple theme, plus, what child wouldn't love to receive this adorable card? Becca is donating cards to her local women's shelter and is accepting anyone's cards that are linked up to the challenge, if they wish to contribute.
Link up your newly created "Purple" card, here.

You can check out all the Art Play Paintables available at Adornit, here.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Follow me on my social media!
Also linking to these challenges:
#adornitambassadors #adornit #artplay #paintable #halloween #bat #watercolor #tombow #tombowusa #hoptostop #michelehamilton #laurakelly #wavingmywand #terriburson #DIY #card #craft #cre8time #scrapbook #ribbon